Global corporate tax avoidance is making global corporate execs ever richer.
Let’s start this week with an eye-popping factoid: Corporations shifted nearly $1 trillion in profits earned outside of their home countries to tax havens in 2019, a staggering hike from the $616 billion shifted in 2015.

These numbers come to us from a new study by world-renowned researchers Ludvig Wier and Gabriel Zucman on global corporate “profit shifting” from 2015 to 2019, years that saw major international efforts to prevent corporations from shifting profits to tax havens.

The world’s biggest multinationals, Wier and Zucman found, moved 37 percent of their profits to tax havens in 2019. In the 1970s, the two note, major corporations shifted under 2 percent of their earnings. These new findings clearly demonstrate that the revelations of massive corporate tax dodging that began with the release of the Panama Papers in 2016 haven’t been enough to change corporate behavior.

The new Wier-Zucman data also come at an opportune moment. The White House is releasing its latest budget plan this week. That budget will likely include a call for a 15 percent global corporate minimum tax.

Global corporate tax avoidance is making global corporate execs ever richer and playing a key role in deepening inequality. We need to end this abuse, once and for all, and make sure governments tax corporations where their workers operate and create value.

Chuck Collins and Rebekah Entralgo,
for the Institute for Policy Studies team
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Broadband Expansion Should Support Good Jobs
“More and more of my job has become cleaning up the messes of untrained, low-wage contractors,” notes Texas-based broadband technician Britni Cuington, a Communications Workers of America member.

That reality should concern us all. Fiber lines often sit near gas, sewage, and electrical lines. If installation contractors make mistakes, the consequences can be catastrophic.

“Skilled union workers like me are often called in,” explains Cuington. “We get the brunt of customers’ frustration while we’re left with double the work — often at risk of injury, or even death.”

Meanwhile, Cuington points out, telecom companies are funneling short-term savings from subcontracting into the pockets of their CEOs. The solution? Cuington and her union have ideas on how we can use new federal broadband funding to support good jobs and telecom safety.
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Let’s Stop Throwing Money at Pentagon Contractors
The United States has by far the world’s largest military budget and — not coincidentally — the world’s highest-paid military contractor CEOs.

What could we do instead with all those budget dollars? The National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies is once again this year showcasing data on the tradeoffs between military spending and public investments in human needs.

National Priorities Project calculations show that the $100 billion increase in the military budget since 2018 could cover the cost of free tuition for two-thirds of all U.S. public college students, hire a million elementary school teachers, or triple Head Start enrollment.

“We shouldn’t be adding billions upon billions of tax dollars to enrich Pentagon contractors at a time when real people are struggling,” writes National Priorities Project director Lindsay Koshgarian. Read on for more of her analysis and a link to her team’s online tradeoff calculator.
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