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Research & Commentary

From academics to activists, thoughtful people worldwide are focusing their attention on economic inequality as never before.

New York, New York, A Most Unequal Town

July 12, 2012 /


New data has solidified New York's standing as the most unequal major city in the world's most unequal developed nation. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposed ban on super-sized sodas...

The Tea Party 1776 Shtick: History Mangled

July 2, 2012 /

by Sam Pizzigati

America's revolutionary generation, new research details, lived in a society much more equal than our own. And early Americans prized that equality, an inconvenient reality for conservatives today. Not too...

Where Has All the Growth Gone?

June 27, 2012 /

by Salvatore Babones

We all know that the recession has hit families hard, but even mainstream newspapers and magazines have finally caught onto the fact that American household incomes have been stagnant for...

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